Back to Old Patterns?

And there I was, boasting about awesome statistics before losing all steam on the blog…

I’m finding it hard to persist in the delusion that I have anonymous readers out there somewhere.

In any event, good evening, good people!  I hope you’re all safe and well.  These are crazy times.

My husband I essentially detect patterns for a living, and we can’t make any sense of this Covid-19….half convinced I had it back in February, the tiniest bit concerned I’ll die from it, and generally concerned for the well-being of the entire world…

After  years and years of dragging our feet, my spouse and I created our last and living wills this evening.  More than anything, we don’t want the one of us left (if it plays out that way) to have one more thing to worry about in addition to grief.  And if it doesn’t play out that way, we’d prefer one of our loved ones to benefit from our collective years of toil rather than the state.  Anyway….heavy stuff, thinking about who looks after your beloved dog, gets your shit when you’re gone and what happens to your remains!  My heart goes out to everyone suffering loss at the hands of this pandemic or any other ‘normal’ killer.  Life can be a real shit show.

On a lighter note, this lock-down has had some very positive impacts as well!  It’s remarkable how people come together and let petty shit go when they’re forced to become aware of ‘real’ problems.  Listen…I’d prefer we all carried on being selfish gits way too caught up in first world nonsense, but since nobody sought my opinion, I’m trying to see the bright side.  I’ve heard from friends I haven’t spoken to in ages, and that has been a pure delight.  We’ve had more appropriately distanced driveway interactions with our neighbors than we’ve ever had before.  Strangers we pass when walking the dog smile and wave, and there seems to be a solidarity to humanity that you just don’t see enough.  I hear countless tales of families playing board games every night after dinner together, and exercising some fabulous creativity to alleviate the boredom of being stuck at home together.

Far be it for me to make a lesson out of a disaster, but I do hope we’ll keep some of the good stuff when normalcy resumes.  We could do worse…

Stay healthy and sane, my good people.

Some thoughts on blogging

Good evening, good people!  I hope this finds you healthy in all ways.

Since last night, I’ve been thinking about this whole blogging deal.  It seems very egocentric, and I’d like to think that’s not my style.  I’m not the best conversationalist ever, but I do my best to listen to and engage others and not have everything always be about me.  I got to wondering, then – what is my motivation to blog?  I’ve always wanted to journal, but I’ve got probably a dozen lovely Moleskin notebooks with a few entries and then nothing.  My writing style when I know I am my only audience leaves something to be desired – ‘I did this, I did that, and then this happened, blah blah…’.  But here’s the funny thing – it’s not as if I actually believe I’ll have an online audience.  So why the difference in perspective on the two?  Not really sure – yet another interesting aspect of human psychology.  (Yes, there are probably impersonal non-fiction articles on the topic, so it probably doesn’t need to be a complete mystery to me, but I miss the age of wonder (different topic for a different day) and don’t have much of an attention span for those types of publications.)  Whatever the case, this blog seems to be a good creative outlet for my mental energy, and I’m enjoying it!  What’s more, as of this post, I’ve already surpassed my previous average of 1 post every 9 years.  Rock on!

Right, so…I got to thinking – in addition to enjoying the process (due to the delusion idea that someone might actually read this babble), I also love the anonymity of it.  Seeing as how I invited a few people to check it out, and probably nobody else has randomly stumbled upon it, it’s really not at all anonymous!   But…I chose my initial audience very carefully – only a few members of my crew who never judge (bless you, all!).  Someday, when my audience is vast and varied, I’d like to retain that sense of freedom from judgment that comes with the idea that nobody knows these are my thoughts – they’re just the consciousness stream of some other crackpot on the web.  Sadly, like so many of us, I worry too much about what other people think, and alter my behavior accordingly.  I don’t want to do that here – it won’t fill the void!  So there you have it – a full and complete disclosure that this is, first and foremost, about me!  I really hope that it provides a small bit of entertainment for someone with whom it occasionally resonates, but ultimately, I’m doing this for my own selfish reasons.  And on that note, I have a few requests!

  1. If you know who I am and you enjoy this nonsense, by all means, share it!  But please please choose carefully to whom  you divulge its source.
  2. If you find yourself judging, please just shut it down.  There’s far too much negativity in the world (and invariably, in all of our lives).  Don’t let me contribute to that – just move on.  For those of you who know me, I don’t always have the thickest skin, but I would NEVER be offended if the amount of this crap you get in your ‘real’ relationship with me fills your quota and then some!  In addition to FaceBook giving my data to the government and whoever else paid for it, I deactivated my account when I felt it was bringing out the hater in me.  There were people I loved in the flesh whose online presence grated something chronic!  And then there were those who were my ‘friends’ who I didn’t love too much even offline.  In any event, if your immediate, unfiltered reaction is something along the lines of ‘Shut the F up!’, then use that X in the top right corner of the page.  (More on exercising your personal freedom to not follow what you find offensive and why I am violently opposed to the idea of internet police in another blog soon…)
  3. About anonymity – it’s remarkable how many stories people have about others being TERRIBLE online / in texts or emails, or even old school letters (does anyone write those these days??).  My personal rule is this – never put in writing (in any medium) something you wouldn’t have the balls to say to someone in person.  Think about that…
  4. If you have something to share in relation to any of this, please weigh in with some comments (not negative ideally, re point #3) or links to something relevant.  As much as I guard my ignorance so that I can aimlessly wonder and theorize about all sorts of things, I’d welcome the opportunity to grow through interactions with you all.

Ok…enough of the requests / guidelines!  I’d like to close with a funny story about blogging, all names and some details changed so that I don’t have to worry about being sued!

Several years back, I was at a gathering with some friends.  Cynthia and Emma were in the kitchen nattering on about anything and everything when Emma shares that she has been writing a blog.  Cynthia gets on her phone and checks it out.  She reads through it, and then proceeds to offer positive feedback to Emma, e.g. it’s so funny, how great, etc.!  Enter David, Cynthia’s husband.  She hands her phone to him, and says read this, isn’t is so funny (never even intimating that Emma was the author…)?  David reads through it, and then says, ‘It’s alright’.  Whoops!  Emma and her partner left early that night.  Her skin wasn’t so thick, and she wasn’t able to find the humor in that situation, not in that moment, probably not to this day.  This memory makes me laugh every time!  Hopefully, not in a mean-spirited way – it was just pure comedy.

Alrightey… I’m out.  Please don’t take yourselves too seriously, people.  Life is enough of a shit show (especially on lockdown!).  If you can laugh at yourself and find comedy wherever it’s lurking, you’re better off than most.

Stay safe and sane, my friends!


The Psychology of Lockdown?

Greetings, fan base!  I hope this finds you all well and virus-free.

It’s Wednesday night at 8:05pm, and I’m into my 2nd Hazy Little Thing…

Been wondering – why are all of my behavioral instincts so altered while under lockdown?

I’m married with no kids and one very spoiled dog.    I work from home, and my husband works on the home.  Our little family unit is together all of the time, and we’ve mostly got it down to a science.  We’re not tremendously extroverted, it must be said.  I adore spending time with good friends and select extended family members, but prefer my own company to bad.  I mention all of this simply to highlight that for us, social distancing doesn’t have as major an impact as it has for many.  The routines of our day to day lives should not change substantially.  We’re still walking the dog (only now leaving a good bit of space between us and passersby), binge-watching series on Netflix, etc.  So why is it that I’ve felt the need to drink (not into oblivion, mind you) every single night since we’ve started taking the social distancing advice seriously?  It’s so strange, and I find myself intensely curious about how that all works in the mind.  Whatever explanation I could make up right now would be just what this site was meant to be all about – hokey bollocks!

About the site…9 years ago (yes, 9!) when I had a summer off in between contracts (by design), I decided I should write a blog.  Actually, knowing me, I probably heard the two words, and thought what a great blog name they’d make, and then decided I should write one.  I’m a visionary on titles (or not…it’s all about perspective!) – I keep a running list of them in an app on my phone.  Anyway…I digress (which is what I do, always, but especially with just the right amount of alcohol…)…the blog.  An ex-boyfriend compared the way I think and write to Dave Eggers (I bow down!).  I was super flattered, and spoiler alert – not even!  But I’ve always wanted to write.  So here it is, all these years later.

In addition to wanting to drink, in the last week I’ve actually thought about defining and setting 3 goals (why 3?  odd that we always go with that when it’s a small arbitrary number we’re after…), and subsequently trying to reach them.  Novel concept for me!  I don’t know what it is, but I’ve never been goal-oriented.  I’m extremely competitive – was a great high school athlete, have always been successful in the workplace (though never really climbed – not due to lack of goals, more due to an inherent understanding that staying in the details is my jam – I’m a software engineer…), but I’ve never really followed through on anything simply because I decided I should.  But now…this stinking virus, and I’m wanting to.  Odd.  Especially so, because I’m not really fearing mortality at the moment.  (Disclaimer – all due respect intended to anyone and everyone who has suffered at the hands of this terrible disease making the rounds.  I am taking it seriously, and am steering clear of everyone mainly to not inadvertently spread it if I have it and don’t even know.)  So why the goal urge?  Heck if I know….sadly, I’m not a psychologist.

In any event, I decided on 2 rather than 3 goals.  2 came to mind straight away, and if I had to dig for a 3rd, it seemed pointless (much like most of life, haha).  Setting down my 2 goals in writing for all the world to see here!  (Not sure if anyone will ever even read this blog, so that might be an exaggeration…)

  1. Write a blog!
  2. Learn Japanese (with all of the time I will free up when I delete Candy Crush from my phone).

That’s all I’ve got for now.  One small part of #1 accomplished…baby steps, right?

Alright, my good people.  Stay safe out there, and please share your thoughts on these crazy times we’re living through.

First post!

Who knew?  I take a hiatus from work presumably to not sit in front of a computer more than need be, and here I am blogging.  Shoot – I may as well enter the 21st century in some measurable, observable way.

Actually, dear reader – I fear this content may not be terribly interesting to anyone other than myself.  So why blog, you might wonder?  Simply because I never hold myself accountable for any of the random quasi-goals I set for myself.  So I thought…perhaps if I post them and all of the surrounding thoughts / emotions, and anyone reads them, maybe I would generate some much needed consideration for personal accountability.

So what are these quasi-goals?  That’s decidedly part of the problem – I’m not too sure myself!  I’ve only got a year+ until I hit 40, and it’s rendering me rather contemplative.  I have a very good life, and I’d like to think I’m pretty happy.  Granted, I perhaps wonder about the topic more than I should, and that’s probably indicative of being less than perfectly happy, but I digress….

Goals.  Yesterday I did a Pilates video with 2-pound hand weights that I had never done before.  And I felt it!  And that was my “Oh Wow!” moment.  I didn’t get all depressed or anything fun like that, but I was bothered enough by the experience to want to do something about it.  I’m not fat, but I’m not terribly fit, either.  I’m quite average, to be fair.  But average in my case means less energy than I had when I was younger, and a fair number of days that I’m achy and not feeling like a rock star.  I want to!  I’m not vain (probably part of the lack of motivation), but I think it’s high time to focus on my health.  After nearly 4 decades of resorting to old patterns, I’m hoping this blog will help introduce some change.

So, dear reader – I propose a toast.  To inaugural blogs, breaking old patterns, and arguably my favorite intangible noun – hope!